Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Give Me Some More!!!

Sunday the Denver Broncos played a good game against one of the arguably best NFL teams this season, The New York Jets!! Although they lost, the final score was 24-20. I have mentioned before how I would like to see Tebow get some time on the field but apparently the Bronco's fans are just as revved up to make this  dream a reality! Every time Tebow ran on the field the crowd was in an uproar in support of their future starting QB. And rightfully so, The Broncos record this season is 2-4.

Tebow rushed for 23 yards on 6 carries and made his first professional touchdown as a Bronco which tied the game in the first quarter! Although he didn't attempt any passing plays, he still managed to leave everyone in the stadium wanting more!!

To me it seems as if he still has his training wheels on. Im ready for them to come off and him have the opportunity to really prove himself in this game! I know one thing is for certain they are doing everything opposite of what Tennessee Titans did  for Vince Young. Is the Broncos organization really trying to mold him into one of the greatest of all time? Maybe they are trying to prepare him to actually play the QB position because the shenanigans he pulled in college wouldn't fly in the NFL. I don't know but what I do know is that Kyle Ortons contract is up in 2011. Lets see more!!

1 comment:

  1. Tebow sucks. Everybody knew before last years draft this man cant throw. As far as him being a scrambler.... He not fast enough for that. Id give him another 3 years and this guy will be doin commentary for some local tv station.
