Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Is the NFC Ready For the Super Bowl?

Ok whats going on in the NFC!!!??? Right now the way they are playing they really don't deserve a place in the Superbowl or playoffs for that matter! Come on I mean with the exception of the Atlanta Falcons, the National Football Conference (NFC) is barely getting by Lets take a look at the top teams:
New Orleans Saints

The New Orleans Saints are the Defending Super Bowl Champions with a record of 3-1.  However, their performance this season, has been everything short of an alright disgrace. Barely winning games and missing field goals isn't the team that will win another Championship ring! Maybe Reggie should try to reconcile with Kim Kardashian. She seemed to be the Saint that blessed this team.

Green Bay Packers

The Green Bay Packers also have a record of 3-1. However, this team had the absolute most penalties in their conference. Eighteen penalties in one game against the Chicago Bears is down right embarrassing. I honestly feel like if this team were playing teams that they will be playing in the future like the Jets, the Patriots, or even the Colts this team may have been 0-4.

Chicago Bears

The Chicago Bears, oh the lucky Bears. Now I have been having this teams back this season. However, the objectivity in me can not over look the luck that this team has had this season. Wins off of sketchy rules, another teams ability to jack off more penalties than you, and beating the worst team in the NFL, the Detroit Lions, barely gives a team lea way to talk trash. I believe in this team but they are gonna have to pull it together fast to compete in the playoffs.

1 comment:

  1. Past history in the Super Era of the 2000s are NFC 3, AFC 7. So the NFC has a history currently of being the B class with the AFC being the A class in the NFL in this millennium.
