Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Upset Sunday

First, let me start off by saying the Titans, Cowboys, and Vikings all have something in common, they aren't birds! Yeah, I said it. The Falcons and Eagles managed to pull off something these teams didn't- a win! However, another thing the latter have in common is Mike Vick, a former quarterback for the Atlanta falcons,  who lead the Philadelphia Eagles soaring victory over the Detroit Lions. Is it only I that finds the irony in a caged talent being released from his cage only to get signed by a team with an eagle as the mascot?

As a Titans fan, I find it rather upsetting to continue to put my faith in Vince Young. I find myself getting extremely excited every time they put Kerry Collins ancient posterior in the game and lord knows how much longer he has in the league! However, one thing I can say Im proud of is his (Vince Young) maturity this season. Yes, he got benched but he got benched with dignity instead of the over the top theatrics and fake injuries he pulled in previous seasons. If he continues this and continues his progress in making his passing game a bit more accurate, I can understand the undying faith Nashville has in him because the boy can deliver on those nail biting 2 yards til a touchdown running plays.

Cowboy fans please forgive me because I've recently jumped on the bandwagon. But not for obvious reasons like I believe in their talent, their coaching staff, or even the fact that Kim Kardashian dates one of the players. I jumped on that bandwagon and rode it with pride because I possess two X chromosomes and I thought it would be absolutely adorable for them to win the the Super Bowl in Dallas. However, like most of you untrue fans, my excitement and confidence is surely fading like most of the hype that was developed around this team. One can quickly place blame on one or two players as I have found myself doing last week but something is telling me if they don't shape up quick Dallas head coach will be in the unemployment line or fishing for some university to pick him up next season.

And all you Vikings fans, I know it may be a little premature to make rash statements but why did the football team beg for grandpa Farve to come back? Just think about that for a second.

Nonetheless, with all that being said, week three will be redemption week for these teams. There will be 14 more games to go. Lets see who shoves that pigskin right down my throat!


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