Thursday, September 23, 2010

Why all the Hate When You Should Congratulate?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010 Andy Reid announced that Michael Vick would become the starting quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles. This would mean that Kevin Kolb would  be demoted to a nicely compensated backup quarterback after suffering a concussion in week 1's game against Green Bay. This move was made solely on the fact that Vick is just an altogether better player. In six quarters, Vick has delivered three touchdowns, and no interceptions,and 37 passes in 58 attempts for 459 yards. He has also ran for 140 yards and six first downs on just 18 carries.

However, this all comes to a surprise considering the fact that they recently traded Donovan McNabb to the Washington Redskins this past April and put their faith in Kevin Kolb. I at least would've expected them to save face and keep Kolb in the game a couple more weeks. But after only a half of a game's worth of  playing time from Kolb, was enough to convince Reid to make a swift, and in my opinion smart, decision to start Vick.

Fans had mixed reaction to the news. I just don't understand how anyone in their right mind wouldn't want Vick to help lead them to a potential Super Bowl win or at least a chance to the playoffs. Sometimes ignorance just kills me. The man has paid his debt to society for his past actions now lets move on and see what we know this man is very capable of doing which is leading this team to a victory.

Watch Kevin Kolbs reaction to the demotion.

1 comment:

  1. I like the page. Very classy. Good coverage of the games too. Keep up the good work!
